新概念英语第一册同步测试卷 Test 15 答案

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新概念英语第一册同步测试卷 Test 15 答案


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Test 15 (Lesson 85--90)
1.cinema 2.beautiful 3.never 4.film 5.attendant 6.bring
7.garage 8.crash 9.repair 10.believe 11.since
12.sell 13.because 14.retire 15.cost 16.worth 17.penny
18.pound 19.may 20.Paris

二.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.B

三.1.Have; been 2.seen 3.are; doing; am;reading 4.made
5.go 6.bought 7.to repair 8.open 9.does;cost 10.spoke

1.I have just been to the park.
2.Have you finished reading this book yet?
3.We have already repaired your car.
4.He has written to his friend last month.
5.Let's go and have a look at it.
6.It's worth every penny of it.
7.How much does this shirt cost?
8.Do you believe that this car is for sale?
9.The old man has worked here for twenty years.
10.Are you going to the grocer's this afternoon?

1.F He has just been t