
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 07:18:44
魔术大会专场演出 节目单昨出炉——

7月26日至31日,第24届世界魔术大会将在北京国家会议中心举办。魔术大会,是国际魔术联盟(FISM)业内交流的平台,大会期间不对外公开,那中国观众何以饱眼福呢?记者昨从世界魔术大会组委会了解到,为了让观众欣赏到真正世界一流的魔术,世界魔术大会组委会在落幕后的8月1日至8月8日,将为北京观众献上专场演出《至尊魔幻》,世界魔术师中的“TOP 10”,将现身北展剧场。


而《至尊魔幻》这场大型表演秀,将荟萃来自法国、希腊、瑞士、美国、德国、乌克兰、意大利、韩国、西班牙等国家的10位顶级魔术大师。记者昨从世界魔术大会组委会预制的节目单上看到:国际魔术界公认世界最好的 “黑色魔术大师”奥玛·帕夏名列其中,这位法国人将带来表演《黑色变幻》;世界魔坛最好的电影魔术大师、希腊魔术师乔哥斯,将耍起“移位技法”,表演《电影魔术》;空中飞行魔术大师皮特·马韦,将表演《梦幻飞行》,这位瑞士魔术师的表演,被国际魔术界公认为“难度最高”;世界“魔坛”最全面、最幽默、最有才华的魔术大师之一、德国魔术师托帕斯,将表演《大型综合幻术》;蒙特卡洛魔术明星节比赛总冠军、来自乌克兰的维特利和伊莲娜,会来个《梦幻双人组合》;意大利阿巴诺国际魔术比赛舞台一等奖伊戈尔,不会“单枪匹马”来北京,他将携朋友们表演《四人魔幻纸箱》;2001年UGM世界魔术大赛亚洲总冠军、韩国魔术师李永军将表演《巧变鸽牌》;西班牙青年魔术大师约克则以《大型魔术》呈献给北京观众。
翻译成英文拉 可以么

Magic General Assembly special performance program announced yesterday --

July 26-31, the 24th World Magic General Assembly in Beijing organized by National Convention Center. Magic General Assembly, the International Union Magic (FISM) exchange platform for the industry, do not open during the General Assembly, and that Chinese audiences can enjoy to the full Why? Magic from the world press yesterday that the Organizing Committee, in order to allow the audience to appreciate the truly world-class magic, magic the world over the Organizing Committee after the August 1 to August 8 for the Beijing audience performances "Extreme Magic", a magician in the world of "TOP 10", will show North Show Theater.

The Organizing Committee, introduced the world's magic, magic triennial General Assembly of the World as the "magic of the Olympic community." 2009 Beijing FISM (International Magic Union) World Magic General Assembly, has a