British Literature笔记

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 00:37:36

一、 Old and Medieval English Literature

1. Geoffrey Chaucer
English poet regarded as the greatest literary figure of medieval England.
The Father of English Literature.
① The Canterbury Tales
② The Romance (or Romaunt) of the Rose
③ Troilus and Criseyde
④ The House of fame
⑤ The Book of the Duchess

二、 The Renaissance Period
1. Thomas More
Utopia 《乌托邦》
2. Edmund Spenser
① Epithalamion 《贺新婚曲》
② The Faerie Queen 《仙后》
③ The Shepherd Calendar 《牧羊人日志》
3. Christopher Marlowe
① Edward II
② Dr. Faustus
③ Tamburlaine 《帖木耳大帝》
④ The Jew of Malta
⑤ The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
4. Benjamin Jonson
The Alchemist 《炼金术士》
5. Francis Bacon
① The Advancement of Learning
② Essayes
③ The New Atlantis
④ The Novum Organum
6. John Donne
① The Elegies and Satires 《挽歌与讽刺诗》
② The Songs and Sonnets 《歌谣与十四行诗》