
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 05:33:29
翻译句子: 1.知道有些鱼浮到水面上,村民们才认识到这条河已经受到如此严重的污染(not until倒装) 2.他除了是一名医生,还是一名作家,一名当地环保组织的志愿者(besides) 3.我们学校有八十个专职教师,他们的年龄在23岁到45岁之间(range from...to) 4.她不但是一个天才的音乐家,还是个深受人们欢迎的演员(as well as) 5.他申请了一份控制实验进度的工作(apply exercise) 6.自从采用更严厉的酒后驾驶法规候,道路交通事故明显下降(introduce decline) 7.我第一次乘海船去那城市,他想方设法为我在让家安排食宿(time voyage put) 8知道一场洪水将要来临,他所有的同事都逃离岗位,但他留下,忠心耿耿的履行其职责(threaten flee perform) 9.1999年他应征入伍,并在非洲南部的一个小国家服役三年(draft locate)

1.Not until some fish float on the river,did the villagers realize how terrible the pollution is.

2.He is a doctor, besides,he is a writer and volunteer for local environment protecting.

3.Our school has 80 teachers who age from 23 to 45.

4.She is a gifted musician as well as a popular actress.

5.He apply a job which can control the pace of the exercise.

6.Since the more strict rules for driving after drinking have been introduced,the number of traffic accidents declines.

7.It's the first time to me to voyage to that city ,he managed to put me into his home eating and living.

8.Knowing the flood is coming,his all workmates are threatend and fleed,but he left,he perform his own job.

9.In 1999,he was drafted into the army,and has been a soldier for 3 years in a small country which is located in south Africa.


1.Not until the dead fish floating up did the villagers real