
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/04 14:12:51

Shanghai tweaks child rules


为应对日趋严重的人口老龄化趋势,上海市鼓励符合再生育条件的夫妻生育二胎。 Eligible couples in the city are for the first time being encouraged to have a second child, as authorities make an effort to tackle the burden of an aging population.
按照政策,双方都为独生子女的夫妻能生育第二个子女。上海市人口计生委员会和志愿者们会上门拜访、发送传单鼓励他们生育二胎。此外,他们还将为后者提供情感和经济上的咨询指导。 Family planning officials and volunteers will make home visits and slip leaflets under doorways to encourage couples to have a second child if both grew up as only children. Emotional and financial counseling will also be provided, officials said.

市人口计划生育委员会主任谢玲丽表示:“我们鼓励符合再生育条件的夫妻生二胎,以降低上海市老年人口比例,缓解将来劳动力紧缺情况。” "We advocate eligible couples to have two kids because it can help reduce the proportion of the aging people and alleviate a workforce shortage in the future," said Xie Lingli, director of the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission.
