
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 17:10:53
各位大侠帮忙啊,我主要是需要19分20秒到20分05秒这段RAP的歌词,这首本来是points of athoroty,他现场又加了一段。我实在是听不出来,麻烦各位喜欢林肯公园的,爱好英语的帮我解决一下。
都说了是points of authority,要是bleed it out还用问么,这段是现场加的,看过演唱会的都知道,一般points of authority现场都要加一段RAP的,这是网址,http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjgzMDc2NjA=.html

楼主指的是bleed it out吧.
歌词:here we go for the hundredth time
hand grenade pins in every line
throw them up and let something shine
going out of my fuckin mind
filthy mouth, no excuse
find a new place to hang this noose
string me up from atop these roofs
knot it tight so i won't get loose
the truth is you can stop and stare
run myself out and no one cares
dug the trench out, dug down there
put the shovel up out of reach somewhere
someone pour it in, make it a dirt dance floor again
say your prayers and stomp it out
when they bring that chorus in

i bleed it out,
digging deeper just to throw it away
i bleed it out,
digging deeper just to throw it away
i bleed it out,
digging deeper just to throw it away
just to throw it away, just to throw it away
i bleed it out,go, stop the show
drop your boards and let sloppy show
shotgun opera lock and load
cock it