
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 01:53:16
Darling good Morning my Dear.. you must no anxious my love..I am always in your mind .
I tell you my Dear..I was out of work in Germany and have to repair a Machine , but it don´t work well and I must stay there ..
On Saturday Night I come home and now I am her ..don´t worry about me my dear …you should trust and belief in me My LOVE
I always think only of my YUXIA Women and I feel your thinking too..
Wish you’re a nice Sunday and hope next week it´s more normal then for see..
In the last days I have much to do but you are always in my mind and my feelings only for you. Never I can forget you and our Love.
Hope you feel fine and think that we have a GOOD TIME with Love in October..
Your Siegi , I feel so much for this Women ..

最近很忙 但是无时无刻不在想你
祝好 希望十月你共度美好时光
你的siegi 爱你
