
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 19:00:49
Times have changed,________,and,as human being,we also need to change.
A.which society has changed B.which has society
C.as society changed D.as has society


一、as, which 指代整个句子或短语。

由as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,相当于and this或and that。在很多时候,表示说话人对话语的看法或态度,此时它们的先行词并不是具体的某个词,而是整个句子或短语:

The Chinese government has decided to develop the west of China, which, I dare say, will benefit the people there, especially those who are still leading a poor life. 中国政府决定开发西部,我敢说,这将造福于西部的人民,特别是那些至今过着贫穷生活的人。

She has married again,which delighted us.她又结婚了,这使我们很高兴。

John said he’ d been working in the office for an hour,which was true.

The result of the experiment was very good, which we hadn’t expected.

Carol said the work would be done by October,which personally I doubt very much.

二、as, which 用在句末的时候,有些情况下可以互换使用。

He was late for school,as/which was usual with him.他上学迟到,这是家常便饭。

He was a foreigner,as/which I knew from his accent.他是个外国人,我从他的口音中得知这一点。

I live a long way from work,as/whic