
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 18:35:12
随着年龄的增长,我慢慢长大了,懂事了,开始锁定人生第一个目标,考上美术学院,经过不懈努力,我终于走进了鲁迅美术学院的大门,专业是平面设计,一,我发现自己终于找到了真正属于自己的世界,平面设计中各种元素,符号,语言,形式都让我对这个领域充满好奇、激情兴奋不已,从大一到大四,这四年的学习中,我不放弃任何机会 ,认真地对待每一项课程,比如:素描、色彩、静物、人物、字体设计、标志设计、排版、国画、民间传统图案、书籍设计、VI设计、展示设计、插画、招贴设计、包装设计等等。从这些课程中我不断学习,充实自己,使自己的专业水平一步步不断提高,更重要的是这四年的专业学习,锻炼,我养成了观察事物的另一种习惯,学会从不同角度、方式来感受事物,视觉感受更全面。比如:色彩对比,统一、构成形式、黑白灰对比、又比如对事物的感受,清新的、热情的、冷漠的、轻松的、紧张的、淡雅的、浓重的、优美的、美好的、悲伤的。。。。。。

Pisces, I love fantasy from an early age, when I am on the East and West Yan-color, graphics are very interested in, see a graph of the brain will associate a number of other graphics to the brain throughout the day are full, full of beautiful picture, this is my happy color is full of young age

With age, I slowly grown up, thoughtful, and began to lock the first goal in life, admitted to Academy of Fine Arts, through unremitting efforts, I finally walked into the door of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, majored in graphic design, a, I find myself finally found the real world of their own, the various elements of graphic design, symbols, language, form in this area let me full of curiosity, excited by passion, from freshman to senior, this four-year study I do not give up any opportunity to seriously each of the courses, such as: drawing, color, still life, characters, fonts, design, logo design, layout, painting, traditional patterns, books, design, VI design, display desi