
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 11:44:03
We often find public places litterd old cans,empty bottles and especially plastic bags.
1,what effects does littering have on the enviroment?
2,what do you think we should do to stop people from littering?

1,what effects does littering have on the enviroment?

Litter can cause a whole range of problems for
everyone in the community. Litter discarded in
streets and parks can travel through the storm water
system to our bays and oceans, where it can cause
harm to wildlife.
-Litter costs money. Removing litter from the environment
costs everyone money.
-Litter is a threat to public health. Litter attracts
vermin and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Items
such as broken glass and syringes can be a health
hazard in public places.
-Litter can be a fire hazard. Accumulated litter and
carelessly discarded cigarette butts are potential fire
-Litter looks bad. Litter negatively affects the image
of places, especially tourist locations.
-Litter attracts litter. Litter sends out a message that
people do not care for the environment and that it is
acceptable to litter.
-Litter can ha