
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 04:40:08



Ministry of health, Ministry of labour and social security, the State, on further strengthening the workplace a notice in the summer of sunstroke prevention work

issued Wei supervision [ 186 of the 2007]号

Each province, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Department of Health Bureau, labour and social security leadership positions, safety, General Union, the Xinjiang production and construction Corps Bureau of health, labour and social security, safety, General Union, the central management of large enterprise, Federation of Chinese entrepreneurs, the Ministry of health about trade association, health supervision Centre, Centre for disease prevention and control:

In recent years, some of our country in summer heat higher frequency, intensity is large, heat stroke or even death occurs repeatedly, incurs in good health and life safety damages to become a community on important issues of common interest.For the protection of worke