
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 00:58:34

【关键词】探究案例;生活玩具;反思;生活物理;物理社会From life alignment physics , appurtenance reason alignment society
Zhou Yong-xiang
【Abstract】Make use of toy within life, carry on investigation experiment, can receive good of investigation study effect, can life in of phenomenon and physics contact get up, is physics the knowledge can be more close of with life contact get up.Openned widely the student's study knowledge noodles, make the knowledge for learn be getting firmer, draw inference from one example, receive good effect.
【Key words】Investigation case;Life toy;Introspect;Life physics;Physics society 物理来自于生活,生活中充满物理,身边的一个小小的事物,却能讲述高深的物理现象,折射出物理实验的有趣,道出物理规律的真谛,回忆物理科技发展的前景。挖掘出生活中的物理,把它转化为物理课堂教育的理论,使学生能从生活走向物理、从物理走向社会,下面以一个案例谈一下我在教学中的点滴体会。
1. 探究实例:物体的浮沉条件课堂上老师手拿一个空塑料小瓶问:如何将这个空塑料小瓶沉到盛水的容器底部?学生互相议论:(此时学生兴致很高,因为生活中这类的现象太多了,各抒己见,发表自己的看法)往瓶里加沙子;加金属快;注水;用木棍按进水里;绑石头