谁能推荐我几首好听的 抒情的 英文歌??

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 05:46:51


1 The Tower -- Vienna Teng?
2 Miss Shanghai -- Dj Dave Liang
3 flown away -- Lene Marlin
4 Untitled I -- Keane
5 Edward Had You Ever Thought That The End Of The World Would Come On 20.9.01 -- My Little Airport
6 all good things nelly furtado -- nelly furtado
7 Strawberry Avalanche-- Owl City (夏日清凉风)
8 失恋者必听 Gallery -- Mario Vazquez
9 am i still the one -- Daniel Powter
10 journey (corrinne may) -- corrinne may
11 夏天留下的最后阳光 是纯净水般的声音 West Coast Friendship -- Owl City
12 walk me home 珠光宝气插曲 -- Mandy Moore
13 Could This Be Love o -- Victoria Acosta
14 Fly Away -- Corrinne May
15 Call You Tonight.. -- Johnta Austin
16 The Best Day -- Taylor Swift(写给父亲的给)
17 talk about us -- Jennifer Lopez
18 From The Heart. -- Another Level(诺丁山的插曲)
19 Deeper and Deepe