
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 11:57:51


茶叶中含有咖啡因和多酚化合物,这些物质能促进人体新陈代谢与脂肪氧化作用。 长期饮茶有助于身体肌能得到平衡,控制脂肪增加,保持体重平衡来达到“减肥”的目地,而不是指把体重减下来多少,任何茶叶没有科学证据说明有直接减肥功能,不要被商业上不正确的宣传所误导。尤其是一些所谓“低糖”茶饮料,肥胖与否跟一个人的日常饮食与运动量有关,要控制体重,只有合理饮食,坚持长期喝茶,强化运动量,别无它法。


Research by Japanese and other researchers(1) suggest that if the average person were to drink five cups of green tea a day, they would burn an extra 70 to 80 extra calories through an effect known as thermogenesis - the process of heat production in organisms. While much of the thermogenesis effect in green tea is derived from caffeine, studies also suggest(2) that thermogenesis in green tea occurs to some degree beyond its caffeine content from epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG.)

Regardless, 70-80 calories per day does not quite come close to the 500 calorie deficit needed per day to lose a pound a week, and for sure it's nowhere close to t