高端问题~关于柯本和曼森对Michael Jackson的看法 以及曼森对柯本的看法……

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 04:47:10
92年MTV盛典 柯本找了个人假扮MJ上台领奖是怎么回事?我知道柯本这个人憎恶商业化 而MJ又是流行乐坛的老大 难道他觉得MJ很商业 缺乏艺术性?
还有 曼森好像挺欣赏MJ的 具体说了些什么吗?

Were you a Michael Jackson fan?

I like some of the stuff he did. If I had to pick one song I watched on MTV as a kid it wasn't Thriller. Thriller bothered me. The werewolf transformation make-up was not done as properly as The Howling. I remember Dirty Diana, in junior high school, I sang a parody of it, I recorded it on cassette tape -- Dirty Pyjamas.

MM说很喜欢MJ的一些作品,但是他不喜欢Thriller,他认为Thriller的MV在狼人变身方面显得不够专业。此外,中学时MM还表演过Dirty Diana。
