山东省教育出版社 暑假生活指导 P37—P48页 英语

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 11:03:24
跪求! 快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快!

是6年级的吗?这可都是我一点一点打出来的,累死我了,一行一行地仔细看,后面有点乱。希望这是你要找 的 ,o(∩_∩)o... 37页 :I got a postcard from Allen today . He visited (London) with his parents . He went there (by plane).On July 21st, they went to (Big Ben),(River Thymes) and (Tower Bridge). Big Ben is (tall and very old ) and Tower Bridge is (the most famous one ). On July 22nd ,they (visited British Museum and Hyde Pank ).The last day ,they went ( shopping )and ( bought ) many presents for their friends .They ( ate ) many good meals, too . They had ( a good time ). 那是49页的吧, Food and drinks (食物和饮料): 1、 coke
2 、orange juice
3 、coffee
4、 apple juice
5、 pear juice
6、 spirit
7、 blck tea
8、 purple juice
9 、wine
10、 beer
11、 water
12 、green tea