
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 05:50:42

外国 孝道不是主流

Dear Mum and Dad
What can I say?
You've been with me
All along the way.

When we had the kids
It wasn't easy to fare.
But so much the better
Because you were there.

Sweet Seth and darling Zoe,
Grand kids who truly adore ya.
I want you to know - from all of us
That no one comes before ya.

Your sweet and selfless spirit
That deals with those come-what-mays,
I tell you now, quite honestly
You've brightened all my days.

When Kanne and I discovered
That Zoe wasn't well,
We thought we'd entered something like
A very private hell.

But help was on the way to us,
From doctors, yes it's true.
But the biggest help of all -
It came - where else? From both of you.

You came to us and stayed with us,
You gave a world of strength.
Oh parents, dear, can I ever say
Just how much