
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 11:42:13
University should accept equal numbers of males and females students in every subject?

Currently, it has become a fierce debate over whether college should accept equal sexes in every subject. People take vary opinions. Before I point out my view, it is better to look at both views about it first.

Someone is firmly believes that it take numerous benefits to let same numbers of males and females study together. To start with, the real world is constituted by both two sexes so should the school likely to be. It helps students to be better prepared for the graduated life and cultivate them social adaptation. Furthermore, according to learn together, students will pay more attention to their performances in study and their behaviors, which has been illustrated by some investments conducted by psychologists. Thirdly, different ideas based on different genders exchanges in classes help to study.

However, others take a contrary view about enrolling same number



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