
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 08:03:40

强蛟群岛中以白石山岛最奇,岩石诡奇多姿;中央山岛最秀,花木争相竞艳;横山岛最著名,上有古诗,林木参 天,浓荫垂海。从明初开始,这里就是香火旺盛的“小普陀”。
强蛟群岛自古有蜃海之称。每当雨后,海天如洗 ,有五彩蜃气从海面冉冉升起,隐隐有亭台楼阁、山峦树木,似梦似幻。

Ninghai the sea, quiet and beautiful, in Xiangshan Harbor, the surprise to see the blue sea. This is quite rare along the mainland coast is thousands of miles of the motherland for some of the unique coastal areas and territorial seas.
In Ninghai, can not only land-based tourism, mountain climbing wading, wear a dense forest, canyon exploration; also can be carried out at sea tourism, Xiangshan Bay, Sanmen Bay Sands Bihai Kau is strong, double-do, so that you fully appreciate the harbor scenery, enjoy delicious seafood such as shellfish鱼虾蟹.
Xiangshan Harbor Islands Kau strong a group of ancient, mysterious islands, the human vicissitudes of life for thousands of years it has been added to the sense of history of many dignified.
Rafting on the sea,极目远眺, blue sky and clear water, blue color, more than 20 square kilometers of sea area, 12 small islands spread all over, like a crystal necklace, blue mosaic in hectares, and is indeed worthy of the name "Sea Lake."