暗黑破坏神中死亡后直接去找尸体再次死亡 储存离开 再次登录装备丢失 如何找回

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 03:47:26



Multiple Corpses/Losing Items!
A player may have up to 16 corpses. Only the first (oldest) corpse holding
items is saved between games. If you loot a corpse with equipment then die
again and leave the game, another empty corpse (oldest) might appear (be
saved/transported) as your corpse rather than the corpse holding your equipment
. Then your equipment left on one of your corpses will be gone/destroyed
when you exit the game. If you have multiple corpses around, do not leave
the game until you've recovered your corpse with the items. If you only
have one corpse in the game (with your items), then it is safe to leave the
game and join another to get your corpse.

具体翻译我就不赘述了,意思就是说:一个玩家最多可以有16个尸体摆在地上,只有 最早那个有装备的尸体在你退出游戏时被保存。注意,这里有2个修饰词。一个是“ 最早”,一个是“有装备的”。就是说只要不是裸体的尸体就算是有装备的,即使只 有一个破衣服也算有装备,然后在这些尸体中最早留下的那个会被保持。
