go for it七年级上单词和句型

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 08:07:40


dance dances 跳舞 swim swims 游泳 sing sings 唱歌
play chess plays chess 下棋 paint paints 画画
speak English speaks English说英语
play the guitar弹吉他 play the drums敲鼓 play the piano弹钢琴
play the trumpet吹喇叭 play the violin拉小提琴
action movie action movies动作片 comedy comedies 喜剧片
documentary documentaries纪录片
thriller thrillers 恐怖片 a scary thriller 一部令人可怕的恐怖片
an exciting action movie 一部令人兴奋的动作片
a funny comedy 一部滑稽的喜剧片
a sad documentary 一部令人忧伤的纪录片
an interesting movie 一部有趣的电影
interesting Beijing Opera 有趣的京剧
go to school goes to school去上学
get up gets up起床 run runs跑步
eat breakfast/lunch/dinner eats breakfast/lunch/dinner
take a shower takes a shower 洗澡
in the morning/afternoon/evening
do homework does homework 做作业
go to bed goes to bed 上床睡觉
go home goes home 回家
art 艺术 science科学 music音乐 m