
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/24 01:05:17
YOU'VE seen the films, watched the sport, now it's your turn to get active. Don't just sit there playing video games! There are lots of things to do, see and learn. Summer is a great time to explore and have fun. Here are some great ideas to help you do just that.

*Visit the Zoo — but remember to have a real look while you're there.

Sit and draw the animals, figure out what they're doing. Research where they came from and what they eat.

*Visit a museum.

Art museum — pick one of your favorite pieces of art and research the artist. What other work is he or she known for?

History museum — research your favorite moment in history and share what you've learned with your friends.

*The park — invite your classmates and friends to go to a park that is a little way away from your school. Pack a picnic lunch, frisbees, jianzi, a kite or badminton rackets.

*Study the architecture of your town. As







*公园-邀请你的同学和朋友去公园这是一个不大的方式远离你的学校。包野餐午餐,飞盘,毽子 ,风筝或羽毛球拍。



