
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 22:01:00
那个,那就帮我翻译吧: 听《Elementary Scgool Class Partner English Story》有感 小学英语随堂故事说的是一些英文故事 有:《Deer Banby》《A Colorful Bird》《The Longest Word in English》《Giving the Seeding a Hand》等故事,令我感悟到了很多道理,并且也学到了很多英文单词,比如:bully=欺负 decide=决定 send=送 majesty=国王 run away=逃跑……《Deer Banby》说的是:一只小鹿很聪明,它以它的智慧让平常经常欺负动物的狮子和老虎不敢再欺负小动物了;《A Colorfu Bird》说的是一直彩色鸟被狐狸抓去给狮子唱歌,结果彩色鸟反而让狐狸被狮子抓住,自己飞走了…… 这些故事让我知道人和动物都是很聪明的,我要向它们学习。

About the Elementary School Class Partner English Story

After heard some stories like 《Deer Banby》,《A Colorful Bird》,《The Longest Word in English》and 《Giving the Seeding a Hand》,I knew lots of theories in it and many words' meaning and their way to be used like bully ,decide,send,maesty,so on.
What the《Deer Banby》told us was that a clever deer used its intelligent to let the animals like tigers and lions not to bully other animals.
《A Colorfu Bird》told us that a clourful bird was caught to sing to a wolf and in the end ,the wolf was caught by the lion because of the bird`s intelligent.
Those storise let us understand that animals are as clever as our human beings, we should learn from them.


