
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 05:49:08
1 如果我是个飞行员,我就能自由飞翔在天空
2 如果三年前我努力学习,我早就能考上名牌大学
3 如果没有水和空气,任何人都不能生存
4 如果将来我有很多钱,我就给我盖个大房子
5 如果西安冬天能经常下雪,我们就能堆雪人
6 如果我是一个科学家,我就能发明一个对你有用的机器
7 如果没有家长的支持,我不可能上这么好的大学
8 如果我不是个名牌大学生,我很难找到这个工作
9 如果没有朋友在周围,你就会很孤单
10 如果我们能够刻苦学习,我们就能够成为社会上有用的人


1 If I were a pilot, I would be able to fly freely in the sky
2 If I had learned hard three years ago, Iwould have been admitted to a famous university.
3 If there were no water or air,nobody would live now.
4 If in the future I had a lot of money, I would build a big house.
5 If there were much snow usually in winter in Xi'an, we would be able to make a snowman.
6 If I were a scientist, I would invent a machine useful to you.
7 If it hadn't been the support of parents, I could not go to such a good university .
8 If I were not a brand-name college students, I would find it difficult to find this job
9 If there were no friends around, you would be very lonely
10 If we were able to study hard, we would be able to become useful people in society.

If I'm a pilot, I can fly in the sky if three years ago, I study hard, I would have to enter a famous university 3 if there is no water and air, no one can live in the futur