
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 08:46:59

富士山是日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为“圣岳”。Mount Fuji is Japan's tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位于本州中南部,东距东京约80千米,面积90.76平方千米,海拔3776米,山峰高耸入云,山巅白雪皑皑。Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km west of Tokyo, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. 3,776 meters above sea level, towering peaks, snow snow mountains. 山体呈圆锥状,似一把悬空倒挂的扇子,日本诗人曾用“玉扇倒悬东海天” 、“富士白雪映朝阳”等诗句赞美它。Hill and roughly conical shape, the fan like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days." "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. 在富士山周围100千米以内,人们可看到富士山美丽的锥形轮廓。Around 100 km in less than Fuji, people can see Mt beautiful conical outline. 自海拔2300米至山顶一带,均为火山熔岩、火山砂所覆盖。Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area, are volcanic lava, volcanic sand covered. 因此在这一地区,既无丛林又无泉水,登山道也不明显,在沙砾中仅有弯弯曲曲的小道。Therefore, in this area, neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obviou