请有考sat 托福 雅思经验的前辈指点

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 11:55:36
3. Does easier-prepared food improve the way people live?
Food, the fundamental element of life, has been significant improved over time in human society. Today, food is widely needed and loved, and it’s natural that people never stop their effort making food more delicious and easier to prepare. But how good it is to have easier-prepared food? I’ll discuss the matter in the following paragraphs.
In supermarket, we can see scores of half-cooked food lying on shelves. These foods are popular among families in which no one is familiar with any recipe. Members in those families could not have escaped the dinnertime-torture but for the help of half-cooked food. Similarly, even in family with a good cook, those foods are of great benefit. By using half-prepared food, families can save time, and they can enjoy family time longer, thus strengthening relationship. Without easy-to-prepare food, such benefits I just mentioned are beyond imagination.
When food is easier-prepare

这篇作文能拿3-4分,这几段展开得不差,但对SAT来说字数有点少(对托福还行),而且最后一段写的也有点弱。在段落的组织上,这篇文章给人的感觉是头重脚轻,你用了一整段来introduce这个topic,结尾却很短。句式上有一定变化,但是偏重于复合句,这很难使读者看完了文章后记住你文章的闪光点。有时也要用简单句。语法上有些小错误,但不影响整体意思的表达。用词上有些不恰当的(如应是preservative 而非 preserver),而且用词有重复的,(easier-prepared),如果你能换一个词来表达同样的意思,你这篇文章能更加精彩。



在雅思作文里不能出现什么主观的I 或者WE 之类的词语—— I’ll discuss the matter in the following paragraphs.这种句子是绝对不能出现的