瑞普.凡.温克尔和睡谷传奇等16本书中好的段落 求

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 22:07:57



华盛顿.欧文(Washington Irving)一七八三年生于纽约城,卒于一八五九年。在家里,他是十一个孩子中的老么。厄文自幼聪颖,十九岁攻读法律。一八○四年至一八○六年间游历欧洲,返国后取得律师资格。但是他对当律师不感兴趣,而且他身体也不好,因此,改变兴趣,以写作谋生,并进入仕途,曾任驻西班牙公使,旅居欧洲共十七年;他的杰作见闻录(The Sketch Book)就在这期间完成的,其中的「吕伯大梦」(Rip Van Winkle)已成为妇孺皆知的故事。华盛顿.欧文是美国一位享誉国际的文学家,也是十九世纪最伟大的美国散文家之一。

On the eastern side of the Hudson River in New York, there is a small market town called Tarrytown. About two miles from Tarrytown is a little valley. People call it "Sleepy Hollow." The ancestors of the people there are the original Dutch settlers of New York. These Sleepy Hollow people tend to be highly imaginative and often claim to have seen ghosts.

The major ghost of the region is the spirit of a horseman without a head. This spirit, so people say, rides every night to find his companions. And it is said that as he goes to churchyard where he is buried, he rides as fast as the wind.

Soon after the end of the U.S. Revolutionary War(