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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 08:23:45
The tradition of pub crawl is to walk from pub to pub with designated tee shirts for the bartenders to sign to show they were there. A new trend in this social networking is where the pub crawlers have anyone they meet also sign their shirts, kind of like a myspace friends network with ink and cloth.


1. Pub crawl 是指一个人或一群人一个晚上光顾多所酒吧,因此也叫“bar tour”或者“bar-hopping”19世纪晚期在《牛津英语词典》中已经出现此词汇。日文中称为“喝梯子酒”,也是十分形象。
2. MySpace是美国的一个交友网站,就像中国的校内网和开心网一样。