
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 15:26:19

I have made the acquaintance of you for three months, but I find that I don't know you at all.. Sometimes I feel like you are a stranger.

I have learned about you for three months,but I realise that I don't know anything about you.Sometimes I feel you just like a stranger.

Here are my suggestions:
Full of energy.
Watch Enlish movies.
Listen and sing English songs.
Let youself be good at saying.
TO know English history and countries that people speak English.
To know this wonderful world around you.
English has a beautiful pronunciation.It will make you confident.
If you follow my advice and I promise you that you will fall in love with English.

Although I am three months and you know, but I found that I do not know .. sometimes you feel like a stranger like you.

大家相信网恋不???我和他认识三个月了 但是他突然说不理我 我们认识三个月了,有些问题,大家帮我解释一下 我追女孩太急了,才认识三个月,就和她说了,我该怎么办? 我和男友是别人介绍认识的,现在认识半年了,但我突然发现三个月前他竟然和他前女友连联系 只剩三个月就中考了,英语只认识26个字母怎么办? 虽然我们并不认识,但我知道,你一定会进来的.... 我们俩认识三个月了,不在同一城市,他有时晚上发短信时会说让我亲亲你好吗?为什么他要这样说? 我和她认识三个月了,我在外地工作,我和她经常qq聊天,每天晚上结束前让我抱抱,她什么意思 我这辈子最大的幸福就是认识了你英语怎么说 我和男朋友认识三个月了,可他什么礼物都没送过我,我也知道他没钱,我心理特别不平衡,怎么办,