
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 00:59:27
In the new house, Susan was lonely. And she had 71 friends. She heard children playing down in the street. How she wanted to 72 them! Then she had an idea. She made a sign. On it she wrote, " Please have 73 orange––Susan." She put the sign 74her home with a big bottle of orange and some paper cups.Soon a girl walked by. She was pulling a boy 75 the hand. They looked very tired."Would you like some orange, please?” asked Susan. "Thank you," answered the girl. “My brother and I 76 a drink. I am Barbara Brown." Susan gave her two cups of orange. Before long 77 children came down the street."Hi," Barbara 78 . "Come to meet Susan and have free orange." Soon Susan was busy 79 the cup with orange. She had eight 80 friends.
71. A. some B. many C. a few D. no72. A. see B. know C. visit D. get 73. A. free B. nice C. cheap D. delicious 74. A. in the middle of B.

71.D 由于搬了新家 她开始“没有”朋友
72.B 所以她想“结识”他们 于是她想了个办法
73.A 用“免费”的橘子汁吸引
74.B 在家“门口”提供
75.B 于是“手拉手”就来了一对兄妹
76.C 显然 他们累了“需要”橘子汁
77.A 一会在街上他们遇到“很多”朋友
78.A 然后妹妹说 到SUSAN的去喝免费的橘子汁
79.B 结果SUSAN就忙着“装”橘子汁了
80.A 最后交到8个“新”朋友!
文章大意 一个人到商店试穿了一条裤子 然后环了身外套 然后没付钱就跑了 结果 看门的就去追他喊他付钱 他说:“我不是用裤子跟你换了么?不是说裤子跟外套一样的贵么?”看门的:“你是换了 但你裤子没给钱啊?”他答到:“哪有还给你了的裤子 还要给钱?” (哈哈哈……
85.A 他当然傻的很撒 狡猾?不是吧!嘿嘿

个人意见 仅供参考 望有帮助!