有一句歌词是:welcome to my life 的歌,觉得好听,请问是什么?好像是五月天唱的,谁知道???急需啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 19:06:12

是不是? 欧美组合 简单计划(Simple Plan)的歌呢

  《Welcome to My Life》歌词如下:

  Welcome to My Life 进入我的世界
  Do you ever feel like 1)breaking down? 你觉得自己要崩溃了吗?
  Do you ever feel 2)out of place? 你觉得自己很迷茫吗?
  Like somehow you just don't belong 不知为何你总是格格不入,
  And no one understands you 没有人懂你。
  Do you ever want to run away? 你有没有想要逃掉?
  Do you 4)lock yourself in your room? 你有没有把自己锁在屋子里?
  With the radio on 3)turned up so loud 把收音机开的声音很大,
  That no one hears you screaming 这样就没有人听见你在大声尖叫。
  No you don't know what it's like 不,你不知道,
  When nothing feels alright 一切都不对的那种感觉。
  You don't know what it's like 你不知道,
  To be like me 我的心情是怎样的。
  To be hurt, to feel lost 受伤害,迷失自己,
  To be 5)left out in the dark 被遗弃在黑暗中,
  To be 6)kicked when you're down 被人落井下石,
  To feel like you've been 7)pushed around 觉得人人都针对你,
  To be 8)on the edge of breaking down 在崩溃的边缘。
  And no one's th