
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 16:31:04
把这些动词分别改写 原形-三单-ing形式-过去式
is am meet look excuse do spell call lost thank founf are know take can bring need have does let play sound watch has eat run help want come buy see sell go find learn join dance swim sing paint be may draw work brush love listen start write tell deslike pay turn enivy visit arrive talk pass hope sleep relax star give get wear teach clean read wait shop rain snow study describe improre stop remember say would visit stay have parctice spend sit cry make feel walk decide descuss stand mind agree put fight wash order exercise skateboard surf drink try keep rest should stress be liere stay hear babysit hike send ride rent leave forget finish showetdepend must worry mean laugh beat care use begin cut peel pour mix boil add check roll hang win born hiccup sneeze golf perform beaome call skate hum major grow

原形 单三 过去式 过去分词 现在分词(ing)
is\am\are be is was\were been being
meet meet meets met met meeting
look look looks looked looked looking
excuse excuse excuses excused excused excusing
do do does did done doing
spell spell spells spelt spelt spelling
call call calls called called calling
lost lose loses lost lost losing
thank thank thanks thanked thanked thanking
founf (没这个单词)
know know knows knew knew knowing
take take takes took taken taking
can can \ could \ \
bring bring brings brought brought bringing