
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 14:10:04
摘 要:按照审计署、国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室联合下发的《落实〈中国农村扶贫开发纲要〉,做好扶贫资金审计工作的意见》。审计机关必须进一步提高对扶贫资金审计监督重要性的认识,突出重点,改进方法,切实做好扶贫资金的审计工作。

Abstract: According to the Audit Commission, poverty alleviation and development of the State Council Leading Group Office jointly issued the "implementation of" China's Rural Poverty and Development Program "and do the work of anti-poverty funds audit opinion." Audit institutions must further improve anti-poverty awareness of the importance of audit and supervision of funds, focused, improve work methods, effective assistance to the poor financial audit work.
In this paper, the use of funds from our present situation of anti-poverty, anti-poverty funds to first discuss the importance of the audit, and then made the focus of anti-poverty funds and methods of the audit with a view to improve the quality of anti-poverty funds and level of audit work.
Key words: poverty alleviation; funds; audit; focus