几个英语选择题 名词和数词问题 在线等

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 20:56:27
He did it_____it took me
A.one-third a time B.one-third time C.the one-third time D.one-third the time
答案是D 不太明白答案的意思.

The house rent is expensive.I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying______here.
A.as three times much B.as much three times C.much as three times D.three times as much
答案是D 不明白答案的结构/就是怎么用法和怎么表示.

At a rough estimate,Nigeria is_____Great Britain.
A.three times the size as B.the size three times of C.three times as the size of D.three times the size of

Few pleasures can equal________of a cool drink on a hot day.
A.some B.any C.that D.those

If this dictionary is not yours,______can it be?
A.what else B.who else C.which else's D.who else's

----You're always working,come on,let's go shopping
----_______you ever want to do is goi

he is one-third/three times the age of me.他是我年龄的三分之一/三倍大。有了这个句子,你就知道第三句是怎么一回事了。你可以依此照出很多相似的句子。
如:中国疆土是日本的五十倍大(假设):CHina is fifty times the size of Japan. 当然,比较简单的表示倍数的方法你可以用:China is fifty times as big as Japan.

第二题也是一样。这里房租很贵,空间只有我家一半,但租金却是我原先付的三倍。而刚刚上面说了,"X times as much/big/large/或其他形容词 as"是常见的表示倍数的方法。 所以完整的说租金是我原先付的三倍可以是:The rent i pay now is three times as much as that I paid before.注意比较的主体对等问题。因为比较的主语是rent所以后来我用了that以免重复。
当然还可以说:I pay three times as much as i did before. 而第二题则是最后省掉了as I did 这部分。

第四题严格讲还是在比较倍数,不过是等价的情况。刚刚说的比较时一定要注意主体对等。因为Few pleasures对等的是热天喝冷饮的pleasure.而英语的习惯一词重复出现是会用that替代的,而这里能替代的就只有that了。those是可以替代,可替代的是复数名词,不符题意。


第六题:用ALL表示说:你就只想去逛街购物。all you (ever) want to do is... 意为你一心只想做某事。其他都没有这个用法。

1、三分之一的时间 2、倍数+as 3、三倍的尺码 4、that指代pleasure
5、加's表示谁的 6、你想要做的无非是去购物