
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 01:36:18
我是89年出生的,大概是初二的教材,其中一单元最后出现了一首英语诗,题目叫"I HEAR A BIRD SING",一个女的读的,背景音乐是一首非常优美的钢琴曲,我一直想找那首曲子.哪位知道告诉我.多谢了。
I heard a bird sing
In the night of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.
'We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,'
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
我要的是钢琴曲 不是文章

雅尼的 夜莺


这是Oliver Herford的作品
至于说配乐 真的是不知道 我想 这年头你想弄清楚 那就只能去找人教社的老编辑了


And sweet to remember

It's been raining for days, a typical Pacific Northwest December series of storms. Today, though, the sun has made a rare appearance, and the backyard is all aflutter with activity. The birds continue to feed even during the worst of the storms, but when the sun comes out they are much more active.

A Bewick's wren is singing lustily from the holly tree, accompanied occasionally by a song sparrow, who is standing at the top of a forsythia bush which will be bright with yellow blossoms in only a few weeks. Even an Anna's hummingbird is singing its wispy song from the top of the pear tree, not so musical as the sparrow or the