
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 12:33:50

Fuzhou is located in the lower reaches of the Min River, the capital city of Fujian Province, Fuzhou City is situated in the eastern part of the Province. Fuzhou, the center of economy, politicsl, culture and transportation of Fujian Province, was so named after a mountain situated in the north called Mt. Fu. Additionally, many banyans were planted in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), and now provide shade for the entire city giving it another good name - Rong Cheng (Banyan City). Besides, the city is renowned for both quality and quantity of hot springs throughout China. The cultured sights of Fuzhou are not as overwhelming as many of the top attractions in China, but the modern infrastructures of supporting establishments for tourism are complete, and a dazzling array of local dishes and snacks await your patronage.

Fuzhou is both a historic and a cultural city with an over two-thousand-year of history and in 908, Fuzhou was expanded. This expansion included Mt. Yu, Mt. Wu a