
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 02:56:07

行政部需申购一台彩色打印机. 原因如下:

1随着项目的逐步深入,员工对于彩色打印的需求越来越大,护照, 申请材料, 用于项目的PPT等,均需要彩色打印,加之上报材料的要求越来越规范. 目前, 公司整个IT部门(八层楼)共用一台打印机, 经常出现排队等候打印的现象. 给工作带来极大的不便.

2现有的打印机已使用多年,机器磨损严重,设备老化,打印质量较差(缺笔少划、字迹模糊、打印速度奇慢)。拖延了工作时间的同时也降低了工作质量. 所以申请购买打印质量好、速度快的激光打印机一台。请批准.

Administration Department need to purchase a color printer. The following reasons:

1 With the gradual deepening of the project staff for the growing demand for color printing, passports, application materials for the project PPT, etc., need color printing, coupled with increasingly demanding specifications submitted material. At present, the company as a whole IT departments (eight-story building) to share a printer, print queue frequent phenomenon. to cause great inconvenience to the work.

2 existing printer has been used for many years, machine wear serious, and aging equipment, printing of poor quality (lack of pen less zoned, illegible, print excruciatingly slow). Delay in the working hours at the same time also reduces the quality of work. Therefore, the purchase of good quality printing, fast laser printer one. Please approve