
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 10:44:17
您好! 首先感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间阅读我的求职信。

(不要译)事情是这样的:前几天我去某家公司应聘了一个职位,公司叫我回来等消息,在他定的时间我没有收电话,我知道没被录取.但是我对这个公司、公司行业、职位特别感兴趣,我想通过再发一份邮件过去,请求再给一次机会。我的文采不好,就写了上面这些。如果您有更好的建议请您提出。小弟感激不尽!由于是外资企业,我想以中英文对照的形式发过去,希望效果会好一点~~ 小弟跪求了,并先奉上200,之后还会有追加。谢谢您了,希望您用心的帮助

Dear leaders:
  Hello! First of all thank you for your busy schedule for taking the time to read my cover letter.
  My name is ***. My August 12th interview to your company's production technician post. Resume from the cast to receive notification of your interview, and then to wait for the outcome of the process of the interview I came to have a more profound understanding of the company. Your company's professionalism, expertise deeply attracted me, and your company where the trades, I also had a great interest. Your company's recruitment of a post production technician through continuous in-depth understanding of the process, I feel very much in line with my career goals, and I liked learning. I believe I have learned in your professional knowledge, if the company will have its uses, and can very well for the company.

  Although the interview experience of failure is not the first time, but the failure of the last to interview the company gave me