
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 14:20:00

I had learnt a lot this year,of which I couldn't learn in colleges within that 4 years.

This year I've learnt a lot of stuff, stuff that I couldn't possibly learn during my four years of university.

During this year, I've learned many things, of which I couldn't learn in the four-year college life.

This year I've learnt a lot of things which I couldn't have learnt during my four years in college.

during this year, I've learned a lot,which I can't acquire in 4-year university study

I have learned much what cannot be learned in university.

英语翻译:我在客户服务中心工作,一年来我学到了很多知识,我会继续努力学习和工作的,谢谢! 这一年在大学里面,学到了很多,特别是英文成绩的英文翻译 英语翻译~“我因为生病休学一年” 请问谁知道在北京有全天候的散打馆!我找了很多,全部都是一周才两节课!一年下来学到的很少!请帮帮忙! 为什么从小学到高中会有很多女同学喜欢我? 为什么一年之间我转变了很多 我想学习韩语,我只有一年时间,我可以学到什么程度,值不值? 求英语翻译,我问了很多个咯 我有交往一年的女朋友 还有从中学到大学一起哥们的异性朋友 我现在17岁学美发一年了好像还没学到什么有点想不学老怎么办?