
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 08:17:09
直译法指在符合译文语言规范的基础上,在不引起误会的联想和误解的前提下,保持习语的比喻、形象以及民族色彩的方法 翻译时使用直译法能保持原文风格。如:Love money as one love one’s life. 爱财如命,To strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。有的英语习语和其对应的汉语习语在意义和用法上基本一致,可采用直译的方式,以保持原文的特点,如Think carefully before you resign-if you do that you will have burnt your boats.(你对辞职的事须三思---辞了职就断了自己的后路。)“to burn one’s your boat”破釜沉舟,出自古罗马凯撒大帝出征时为士兵下定决心,使士兵无路可退,烧毁战船。汉语的破釜沉舟,出自楚霸王项羽,两句寓意相似,所以可采用直译的方法。汉数字习语中有很多对应的习语,也可以直接采用直译的方法,如:“ a stone’s throw一箭之遥,fall in love at the first sight一见钟情,kill two birds with one stone一箭双雕,as like as two peas一模一样,be on the verge of breaking out一触即发,get something done once and for all一劳永逸,in a complete mess一塌糊涂,in two minds, half-hearted三心二意。”[9](P147)
由于人们在感情,在对客观事物的感受及社会经历等方面会有相似之处,此类习语的字面意义和形象意义所传达出的文化信息是相同的,可以互译。如Easy come,easy go与汉谚“来得容易,去得快”、strike while the iron is hot与趁热打铁“Practice makes perfect与”熟能生巧
,当原习语的隐含意义很明显或很容易推断时,读者可以通过字面领悟它的含义,则直译字央意义。All roads lead to Rome译成“条条大道通罗马”,雪中送炭枣to offer fuel in snowy weather,类似这样的习语译文,

Literal Translation
Literal Translation refers to the specifications meet the target language, based on the association without causing misunderstandings and misconceptions under the premise of maintaining idiom metaphor, image and the way the national colors to use literal translation method can maintain the original style. Such as: Love money as one love one's life. Grubber, To strike while the iron is hot. Build on the progress. Some English idioms and their corresponding Chinese idiom meaning and usage in basically the same, literal translation means can be used in order to maintain the original characteristics,
Such as the Think carefully before you resign-if you do that you will have burnt your boats. (Something you should think twice --- resignation resigned on his posterior off.) "To burn one's your boat" most drastic out of ancient Rome, Julius Caesar set off when the soldiers determined to make the soldiers no turning back, the burning of warshi