
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 01:16:46

A quick brown fox jumps high over the lazy dog.




  [ p ] pot pig put people piano potato
  [ b ] book bag big job bear but brother
  [ t ] tooth teacher tea table task tell
  [ d ] dog dig duck dad double day
  [ k ] cake keep cat cup cap
  [ g ] grandpa girl green good god
  [ f ] father fat foot full fit
  [ v ] five very vent drive vary
  [ s ] small study bus yes must
  [ z ] jazz zoo zero clothes zig
  [ θ ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth
  [ δ ] those these that this there
  [ ʃ ] cash bush shake shoe ship
  [ ʒ ] measure pleasure leisure
  [ tʃ ] chair chicken lunch change
  [ dʒ ] jack job joke
  [ tr ] tree truck train
  [ dr ] dress drink drain
  [ ts ] students coats cats
  [ dz ] beds odds codes
  [ m ] mum moon morning
  [ n ] moon nut needle<