
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 02:11:20
植物使我们的生活充满生机与色彩,植物净化空气,为我们制造赖以生存的氧气,植物还是食物,是药材,是···(等等)。 植物如此重要但至今仍有些地方在过度砍伐树木,不加限度的放牧,向大自然排放未经处理的污水。 《题目是号召大家爱护植物》

Plants make our world full of colour, they clean the air, recycle the air, provide oxygen for us when they undertake the process photosynthesis. Besides, plants also provides food, they are medicine, too.

Nowadays, plants are so important to us, the human. But still, we are cutting the trees down, continuously and uncontrollable, flowing some muddy and acidic water to the river which they needed anytime.

Title: Protect the Plants
