进入www.gongwuyuan.com.cn网站出来的是red5 samples应该怎么做

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:52:44
买了党史公务员教材,正版,根据书背面充值卡的网站地址进入页面是red5 samples,
On this page you can find some sample applications that show the various features provided by Red5. The source code is available in the swf/DEV_Source directory. Other examples are available in the swf/DEV_Deploy directory.

Shared Ball
A simple shared ball demo that makes use of Shared Objects.

View demo

Admin Panel
The Red5 administration panel.

View demo

Download AIR version of demo

Echo Test
A test application that runs RTMP/AMF datatype tests.

View demo

Simple video player as shown on the Online Open Source Flash conference.

View demo

Port Tester
Simple port tester tool that determines which ports the Flash Player is able to connect through to the Red5 server.

View demo

Publishing program that can be used to publish, record and view videos.


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