
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 18:35:08

1.People __________(use) water every day.
2.They are buiding a water __________(treat) works near the city.
3.Listen! Who is playing the piano? It __________(sound) beautiful.
4.His words made his mother __________(angry).
5.Remember not __________(be) late next time.
6.Linda tries her best __________(study) Chinese.
7.He has a lot of __________(friend) in China.
8.I'd like __________(listen) to people's problems.
9.Can you help me __________(move) the heavy box?
10.They added a few __________(chemical) to the water and made it clean.

1.use 人们每天都用水.
2.treatment's 他们正在建造一个在城市附近的水处理器.
3.sounds 听!谁在弹钢琴?那声音听起来很美.
4.angry 他的话让他妈妈生气了.
5.to be 记得下次别迟到.
6.to study 琳达竭尽全力学习中文.
7.friends 他有很多中国的朋友.
8.to listen 我愿倾听人们的问题.
9.to move 你能帮我搬那个笨重的箱子吗?
10.Chemicals 他们加了一些化学品到水里以让水变得清澈.
