英语高手 来帮忙 很急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 20:23:37
我认为,首先中文的发音和拼写都非常困难,其次,虽然说中文的人很多,但是, 国家很少, 地域限制 ,没有遍及全球。如今由于网络普及, 降低了中文的难度。另外,中国经济发展,国际地位逐渐提高,有很多国家和地区的人在学习中文。中国文化历史悠久,有很多国外学者对中国文化产生了浓厚的兴趣。 汉语是他们研究的重要方面。
因此 ,汉语迟早有一天会成为像英语一样普及的世界语。

Whether or not can Chinese (or mandarin), like English, become the world’s lingua franca? People have different opinions on this question.

In my opinion, Chinese faces several drawbacks such as its difficult pronunciation and writing system and its limited spread among countries in the world. However, the popularization of the internet has greatly reduced these difficulties. Furthermore, many people from many countries learn Chinese because of the rapid rise of China and especially its economy. The ancient culture of China also attracts many foreign scholars into learning its language, which forms an important part of their studies.

Therefore, Chinese will become a lingua franca of the world.
