
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 10:02:14


Hello!I'm your cousin.It's glad to see you.It's the first time that i'm talking in English,i feel very nervous.My English isn't very good.So…wish you happiness everyday.

Hi,I am your cousin,nice to meet you.this is my first English speaking I am nervous.My English is poor,So...........

Hope you happy everyday.

hi, i'm your cousin, it's really happy to see you guys! i'm having a english conversation for the first time, really nervous, my english is not so good... so...i hope you guys feel happy every day!

Hello!I'm your cousin,glad to see you!this is my first English speaking I am nervous.My English is poor,So..wish you happiness everyday

Hello! I am your cousin, very happy to see you! For the first time in English conversation, very nervous, my English is not good, so ... I hope you can be happy every day.
