
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 11:44:15
Most students think of the library only as a place where books are stored, but a library also 31 many valuable services. The library may loan records and/or films, it often houses coin-operated photocopying machines, and it 32 provide listening room, typing rooms, and study rooms. Many libraries offer an interlibrary loan system whereby they can borrow books 33 other libraries for your use.
The people 34 work in a library are perhaps more important than any particular thing 35 is kept there. While you may think of librarians as people who check 36 and shelve books, you will find that college librarians are valuable to talk 37 . They can help you locate information, suggest a focus and direction for approaching a topic, and help you organize your research. Even though librarians always look 38 , do not hesitate to ask them questions. There is always at least one librarian, usually located in the reference area, 39 primary responsibility is to

31.B 提供很多有价值的服务
32.D 同时
33.D borrow sth. from sw. 从(哪)借(东西)
34.C 定于从句修饰people,同时从句中缺少主语,所以用who
35.D 定语从句修饰thing,但因前面有比较级和any同时从句中缺少主语,所以用that
36.D check out有多种意思:登记,检验,合格,计算总价并收钱,开支票付款,死。这里去“检验,检查”的意思
37.B talk to sb.和某人谈话
38.C 根据上下文:尽管图书馆管理员看起来很忙碌,不要犹豫只管问他们问题。
39.D 非限定性定于从句,根据从句判断此处需填形容词性物主代词即whose
40.B look around到处看,四处看


31c 32d 33d 34c 35b 36a 37b 38d 39d 40b