
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 19:53:11

去多伦多大学深造翻译学的条件是(based on UT website):
1. 语言成绩:IELTS总分6.5单项不低于6 或TOEFL总分100写作不低于22;
2. 学术成绩:
a. 高考成绩(至少一本线)或SAT1(最好2000+);
b. 会考成绩(最好是4A)。
3. 课余活动:理论上说是越丰富越有意义你在活动中获得担当的责任越大越好(Optional)



Linguistics can trace its roots back to the ancient Sanskrit grammarians, and the study of language is probably as old as language itself. However, the twentieth century has produced an explosion in the scientific study of language. As our understanding of the nature and structure of human language develops, linguistics is becoming relevant to many other areas of research such as Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology, Psychology, and Philosophy.
On its own, linguistics represents an invaluable key to the nature of the mind and the diverse elements of human culture; as a tool, linguistics is unmatched in preparing one for