歌手名叫just b什么的,歌十分的安静。第一句歌词叫2.0a.m

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 04:03:38
不是,歌手好像叫just b什么的

Anna Nalick
Shipwreck of the day

2a.m. and she calls me cause i'm still awake, can you help me unravel my latest mistake, I don't love him winter just wasn't my season, Yeah we walk through the door so accussing their eyes like they have any right to criticize hipocrits your all here for the very same reason.

Cause you can't jump the track were like cars on a cbale and lifes like an hour glass glued to the table, no one can find the rewing but girls so cradle your head in your hands, breath, just breath, oh breath, just breath

May he turned 21 on the base of Ft. Bliss, just the day he sat down to the flask in his fist, ain't been sober since maybe October of last year, here in the dark again, you can tell hes been down for a while, but my god its so beautiful when the boy smiles, want to hold hime, maybe i'll just think about it
[ Anna Nalick Lyrics are found on 安静的日本歌手 寻美国黑人盲人歌手一首名叫乔治亚的歌。 R&B的歌手 天津哪里有安静的咖啡屋什么的 可否推荐一些比较柔和安静的英语或法语歌..男女歌手不限 夏日么么茶里 SUMMER的中文名叫什么的? 泰国歌手boy的just a dream的下载地址 歌手一条 名叫?? B what U wanna B的歌手 请大家推荐几个唱歌比较安静的歌手或者比较安静的歌曲