
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 17:28:53
With a long history, Zhengzhou is a national famous historical and cultural city ratified by the State Council. It was an important metropolis during the Shang dynasty as early as 3500 years ago and became a capital during the five dynasties of Xia, Shang, Guan, Zheng, and Han, and a prefecture during the eight dynasties of Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing. The long history and brilliant civilization have made Zhengzhou rich in humanistic scenery, where there are 137 key protective units at national or provincial levels, including 26 units with 28 items of national key protective units. Places of interest with their unique charms are dawning interests and attentions of tourists from all over the world such as the Songshan Scenic Spots with Shaolin Temple, Central Holy Temple and Songshan National Forest Park as its highlight; the Yellow River Historical, Cultural and Relics Scenic Spots with the Yellow River Excursion Center, Yellow River Grand View and Dahe V

历史悠久,郑州是全国著名的历史文化名城批准的,由国务院规定。这是一个重要的大都市在商朝早3500多年前,成为资本在五代夏、商、官、郑、汉、自治州在8个朝代的隋、唐、宋、五代,金、元、明、清。悠久的历史和灿烂的文化有了丰富的人文景观郑州,哪里有137重点保护单位在国家或省级水平,其中包括26个单位有28个项目的国家重点保护的单位。名胜古迹和他们的独特魅力是清晰的兴趣和关注来自世界各地的游客如嵩山少林寺等景点,中央的圣殿和嵩山国家森林公园为突出;黄河的历史、文化和文物景点与黄河偏移中心、黄河泛美和村原始村庄仍然、伏羲山,Huancui山谷,北宋的皇家陵墓,北威的石窟寺的诞生地,中国人和祖先的发源地皇帝在著名的古代诗人杜甫,它是评价在1999年第一批为一体的中国优秀旅游城市。2002年,这座城市的旅游收入达到9.45 19.2%亿元,比上年增长。9.02万出游和171万海外游客都收到这样54亿美元在这一年。